Uptown Girl VIP presents Mocktinis and Lashes
Get your tickets here before it sells out! A portion of the proceeds will go to benefit the D.C. Fashion Foundation. So come on out and help support our youth!
Friday, September 17, 2010
6:00-9:00 p.m.
at Beauty 360, 1350 Connecticut Ave NW,WDC 20036
(One block from Dupont Circle Metro.)
Celebs wear them, true divas swear by them, but can a mere mortal pull off false lashes? Surprisingly you too can add some real Hollywood glamor to your everyday style.
Come rest your lips around the rim of a sexy mocktini while getting fitted by a pro for the perfect pair of lashes.
Plus, keep up with the latest beauty trends and pull off the newest looks in a snap. Enhance your beauty know how with product sampling and beauty tips from the experts at Beauty 360.
Enjoy: Mocktinis, False Lash Applications, Beauty Services, Tasty Treats, Door Prizes, and Gift with In Store Purchase.